The Our Kinds Launch, and the unveiling of Nuriah Jadai’s fashion label and art collection (Our Kinds First Nations Advisor) officially took place on the first day of summer.
Last week, we launched in the company of all our early partners, supporters and investors. Our wonderful community gathered at the rear garden terrace of the Subiaco Arts Centre at 7:30 Wednesday morning.
We’re a business that is determined to live our values, so we also launched our first one: Grounded. Grounded means that we’re committed to respecting the earth on which we live, and those who live here. We represented this through also launching the art of Our Kinds First Nations Advisor, Nuriah Jadai.
Nuriah is powerful, and we’re grateful for her guidance and leadership. Her fashion label Jadai is a beautiful expression of identity and combines her artistry and skill with an exploration of culture. Our Kinds are honoured to be backing both her and the message she wants to deliver to the wider community.
Our Kinds is working with the community to make innovative and seamless solutions to environmental issues. Co-Founders Karen Monaghan and Hamish Cockburn have started with one goal: to eradicate the single use cup. By working together with a diverse and brilliant group of people, they’re beginning to replace the standard cup with another (more sustainable) standard cup. Our Kinds has already started partnering their system with local cafes (The Corner Store and Little Rokeby) and in the last 7 weeks have already saved over 7000 cups and lids from entering landfill.
The Our Kinds difference is in the details. We’re motivated by success that you can see, so we’ve decided to partner with NatSoft Consulting and the Curtin University Blockchain Research and Development lab to really find out the impact we’re making—and design ways to make it, and the OK movement even bigger.
We’d like to say thank you to all our partners and the Our Kinds team. We couldn’t have gotten here without you and we’re constantly amazed at the brilliance of the people around us, and every day we find someone else who just wants to make an honest difference for their community and their world.
Thank you everyone for coming along and launching with us, we’re proud to be a part of this wonderful community!
We’re building community so we can stamp out single use culture. Would you like to be a part of the movement?